"God is Love." That is what the Book says.
The drawing power of Love is inescapable;
Tender as tendrils, stronger than swirl of wind,
Patient, persistent; inevitable as dawn.
Yield to this power. Let it draw you (just let it)
From the compulsive clutch of evil fantasy.
Fear not the withdrawal. Love casts out fear, too.
Love sends its swiftest, smallest angel, Hope,
And suddenly Hope is there, opening your prison from within,
Aiding, persuading both heart and head to steadier goals—
Home, honor, warmth, affection fully earned.
But now you must walk out of your prison.
You must walk out yourself.
You must be a man—the man God made,
The man you are from all eternity.
First, know how much God loves you—
God, who is Love itself.
Feel this Love flowing around and within you.
Stronger than pull of oceanic tide.
There's no withdrawal of this Love from you
Nor you from Love, for Love is everywhere.
Draw near to Love.
(Already you are there, but you must know it.)
And Love, you'll find, has drawn you with bands of love.
Evil hallucinations fall away
Having no entity, identity, nor drawing power.
Now you are loved—you know that you are loved—
of Love.
Now, radiant as morning after tempest's night,
You stand astride your world of opportunity,
Seeing all within the great heart of Love;
Drawn to each bird, each leaf, each rapier blade of grass;
Shining like sun into the hearts of men
In field or city where your free feet come.