New educational programs are constantly being developed in the schools to improve the education of our children. Likewise, Sunday Schools are striving to improve their teaching methods. Despite these facts, the home is still the most influential educational center for children. It is in the home that basic attitudes and values should be learned. These values determine how future learning will be used, whether to benefit mankind or to exploit others. How can we as parents enrich the home as a training ground for our children?
Parents who have discovered the value of the Science of Christianity as taught and proved by Christ Jesus and explained in Christian Science want their children to utilize the power for good this religion presents. Mrs. Eddy writes, "Thought imbued with purity, Truth, and Love, instructed in the Science of metaphysical healing, is the most potent and desirable remedial agent on the earth." 1
Parents can joyously accept the challenge of teaching their children to live and utilize Christian Science as they realize that, in reality, man reflects the one Mind, God, the source of all intelligence and right ideas. Our Father-Mother God governs all of His ideas, directing and guiding them not only in their relationship to Him but to each other. Working from this standpoint, parents are prepared to impart the spirit of Christian Science, which will attract and guide their children.