Any thoughtful individual must perceive that aggressive mental forces in the world are attempting to capture and dominate mankind's thoughts and actions. Even in areas known as politically free, religious, medical, and political agencies and groups too often seek to impose their views and further their interests by manipulating thought through pressure tactics and delusive propaganda. It is imperative to protect oneself against such mental manipulation. To do this, one must demonstrate the Christliness that is natural to his real self, God's likeness. Only the Christ can express the might of God in overcoming evil.
The student of Christian Science who manifests Christ, Truth, in his daily experience does not fear mental manipulation, knowing very well that God alone has power. However, he cannot ignore its claims and methods. Facing them fearlessly, he will handle them scientifically and firmly in order to neutralize them. In this work, Christian Science treatment, or scientific prayer, is his effective tool.
By its nature and purpose Christian Science treatment is the antipode of mental manipulation. While the latter aims at enslaving a person by suppressing his individuality, Christian Science treatment liberates the individual by bringing to light and exalting his true, spiritual identity, made in the image and likeness of God. Mrs. Eddy writes: "The natural fruits of Christian Science Mind-healing are harmony, brotherly love, spiritual growth and activity. The malicious aim of perverted mind-power, or animal magnetism, is to paralyze good and give activity to evil."1