Much purification and regeneration must go on in one's thinking before one yields to the divine afflatus of spiritual healing. We must look deep into the spiritual truths of being as taught in Christian Science instead of accepting the false evidences of the material senses, which contradict these truths. The practical application and demonstration in daily life of the truths we declare are requisite to healing.
Christian Science is not a Truth-cure substitute for pill-taking; we do not use mental medicine to heal ailing matter. We cannot, by the same token, call a Christian Science practitioner to dose a material situation or pray us into an improved physical state. But this is the subtle argument mortal mind sometimes uses to create a false impression of Christian Science, one that mortal mind is trying to foster, even among some of the adherents of this truth. A true Christian Scientist does not take truth as a tranquilizer for material ills.
John the Revelator writes of the angel with the little book open in his hand. When he asked for the little book, the angel replied, "Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey."1 The correlative of this in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, reads: "When you approach nearer and nearer to this divine Principle, when you eat the divine body of this Principle,—thus partaking of the nature, or primal elements, of Truth and Love,—do not be surprised nor discontented because you must share the hemlock cup and eat the bitter herbs."2