In our individual experience it is important for us to turn away from materialistic influences more and more and acknowledge our spiritual inseparability from the "one God and Father of all, who," as the Bible points out, "is above all, and through all, and in you all."1
If we would follow more carefully what our ever-present God and Father has for our guidance, we would encounter less discord and suffering, and there would be fewer mistakes in our lives. This essential, unfortunately, has not as yet been fully attained. But we must strive for, understand, and progressively obey God's spiritual requirements for His creation.
When faced with vexing or unjust human circumstances, or even when those circumstances have already swept in upon us, we will be blessed as we consider prayerfully and obey what God ordains for us. It does not matter in our lives how other individuals are thinking or acting. The correct solution of human problems depends upon our so unifying our thoughts with God and His will that evil will have no influence in our experience.