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Testimonies of Healing

"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be...

From the November 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise" (Jer. 17:14). This Bible passage has indeed been true in my case. I would like to tell of three healings resulting from the study and application of Christian Science.

Nearly fifty years ago, shortly after I became interested in Christian Science, I was instantaneously healed of tonsillitis while reading Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. I was searching for a better understanding of God and of man in His image and likeness, not seeking a physical healing. I do not remember what page I was reading when I glimpsed the truth that if God is good, and God is All, evil is nothing. I thought, "A sore throat is not good, so it cannot be real." Immediately the swelling and pain vanished. I was free. I had been troubled with this affliction several times a winter over a period of years, but since this glimpse of the unreality of evil and the allness of God there has been no recurrence of the condition.

Some years later I was suffering from periodic hemorrhages and a serious abdominal disorder. A member of the family became fearful and suggested that I go to a doctor for an examination. I said, "Why should I look to matter when God, Spirit, is the only cause and effect? I am going to rely completely on Christian Science." I had been praying earnestly for several years to gain the clearer comprehension of Truth needed to dissolve the error. In my studies the following passage from the first chapter of Genesis was helpful (verse 27): "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Also these words from Unity of Good by Mrs. Eddy (pp. 42, 43): "Truth, defiant of error or matter, is Science, dispelling a false sense and leading man into the true sense of selfhood and Godhood; wherein the mortal does not develop the immortal, nor the material the spiritual, but wherein true manhood and womanhood go forth in the radiance of eternal being and its perfections, unchanged and unchangeable."

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