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Keep Away from the Gopher Hole!

From the November 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There is a familiar story about a dog and a gopher. The dog was chasing the gopher through a field when suddenly the gopher darted down a convenient hole and disappeared. For a long time the dog patiently watched the hole where he had last seen his quarry, waiting for the gopher to reappear. But the gopher had egress through a dozen other holes and, unseen by the dog, escaped through one of them.

Are you, perhaps, confronted by some baffling situation, frustrated by its unproductiveness and hoping for a change? Are you facing chronic claims of failure, ineptitude, inability?

Where do such conditions come from? Who enforces them? Who makes past experiences the gauge of your present or future accomplishments? Personal sense, claiming identity as you, is the culprit operating through ignorance and fear to make you its deputy. But you need not stand helpless. There is a solution to the problem.

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