Don't be surprised if The Christian Science Journal feels a bit heftier and looks a little more lively beginning in May, 1972.
We're adding eight more pages and a dash or two of color to bring you a big, new, illustrated "Church in Action: News and Announcements" section.
One purpose of this new section will be to share with a wider audience much of the information that has previously been included in special newsletters and bulletins.
We hope it will broaden the channel of communication and become must reading each month for everyone wanting to be well informed on:
news and activities of The Mother Church
latest film and tape releases
new books and pamphlets
reports from the Field on solid, healing-oriented innovation in
the Reading Rooms and Sunday Schools
effective experiments, models of action for sharing church with
the community, the world
trends and directions, involvement-type information to help
Christian Scientists everywhere strengthen the healing effective
ness of the movement.