A rocket leaving the launching pad must exert tremendous thrust in order to counteract the downward gravitational pull of the earth. This moment of achievement is called "lift-off." Human thought endeavoring to rise from the material to the spiritual and glimpse divine reality likewise encounters great resistance from the downward pull of materiality or a material sense of existence.
The task of the Christian metaphysician is to attain mental "lift-off" by adhering to the spiritual fact in his thinking and praying. His goal is to consciously get above matter and stay there. Why? Because Christian Scientists are not physicians. They do not look to the physical. They are metaphysicians. The standard of Christian Science is the Christ standard.
Several times in her writings Mrs. Eddy refers to Christ Jesus as the great or master Metaphysician. He rose above the claims of materialism through his recognition of Spirit's allness. Today the metaphysician can find no better example than the Master's. The Christian Science practitioner who invites or allows a physical recitation of symptoms and feelings is not staying above matter or lifting his patient above it. A Christian Scientist who observes, reacts to, and talks about physicality is not acknowledging Spirit's allness. The Master's way is Spirit all the way.