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Dominion over Disappointment

From the March 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When disappointment confronts us, how shall we respond?

Christian Science encourages us to defend with firmness, flexibility, and buoyancy our divine right to be satisfied. Whatever mortal blow has been dealt us, however hard hit we may feel, by gaining dominion over our own thoughts we gain dominion over disappointment.

We don't have to blame, resent, retaliate. Nor need we stoically endure the hurt or give up in bitter resignation. In no way should we allow disappointment to shake our confidence in the ultimate success of all right motives. No matter what someone else believes, regardless of the turn events may have taken, we will not be discouraged in our efforts to contribute to the onward surge of human progress if we understand that God Himself produces and perpetuates that progress. Then instead of reacting to or retiring from the problem at hand, we can apply the divine laws of progress, Christian Science, to solve it and go forward.

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