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Testimonies of Healing

About twenty years ago, in a church...

From the July 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About twenty years ago, in a church of another denomination, I prayed to God to be shown if there was anything worthwhile for which to live. I was at the time in another country, suffering from a nervous breakdown. The next day a family member arrived and persuaded me to let her take me to the United States to a very highly recommended doctor and sanatorium. For a few days I received various treatments, but to no avail. Then I found an English edition of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy in a friend's possession.

My knowledge of the English language at that time was very limited. However, when reading the verses from the Bible at the heading of the opening chapter entitled "Prayer," I remembered the text from my native tongue and knew it held the answer. Since my childhood I had had the conviction that if we could understand the messages from the Holy Scriptures we would be able to solve our problems. The verses are from Mark (11:23, 24), in which Jesus assures us that we can have the authority to remove mountains if we believe. I realized that what I was fighting was as a mountain to me, but where could I find the faith? I tried to read but could not understand.

Contact was made with a Christian Scientist, and after a few days I called on a Christian Science practitioner for help. We did not speak each other's language, but in a poor way I let him know that I had practically gone without sleep for about half a year and was yearning for rest. The following night I slept, and when I woke, I felt as if I were in heaven. Immediately I turned to the book that had opened the way. Joyously I started to read.

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