There are times when Christian Scientists —whether new or longtime students—face the appearance of fear, pain, and physical evidence of disease, and must stick to the spiritual truth that they are learning. Mrs. Eddy advises: "Stick to the truth of being in contradistinction to the error that life, substance, or intelligence can be in matter. Plead with an honest conviction of truth and a clear perception of the unchanging, unerring, and certain effect of divine Science."Science and Health, p. 418;
Does this stick-to-itiveness result in victory? It does. We may not always achieve instantaneous healings, but many have experienced them, and Christian Scientists are working to make all healings instantaneous. If a healing does not take place immediately, however, we should perceive that there is some lesson to be learned, some error of thought, such as sensitivity, fear, or apathy, to be overcome, some spiritual truth to become clearer to us.
We may be undergoing a trial of physical suffering. This may seem a test of our faith. But can the aggressive claims of fear, pain, and disease prevent us from knowing, understanding, and experiencing the truth that God is infinite, divine, ever-present Love? No, they cannot. Infinite Love is conscious only of harmony, health, joy, power.