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"Part-time" Practice?

From the December 1973 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Some people desire to enter the public practice of Christian Science healing but at present don't seem able to do so on a full-time basis. They feel, perhaps, that personal or family responsibilities make it necessary for them to continue for the time being in their business or profession. But this need not prevent them from entering the healing practice and making themselves available at certain times. Many are doing this, and such a step can lead to the full-time activity of the practice. Probably most Journal-listed practitioners started out on a part-time basis. Their work has increased through their initial desire to share their healing experience with others.

Every sincere student of Christian Science is really a practitioner of it if he is practicing it in his daily life. The giving of Christian Science treatment is not confined to those who are listed in The Christian Science Journal or The Herald of Christian Science. It is given by those who, from the love which Christian Science engenders in thought, have the desire to heal as they have been healed. Such a desire, however, is not of itself "part-time." It arises from the daily study and practice of the spiritual truths revealed in this Science, wherever we are and whatever we are doing.

So in the highest sense is there such a thing as "part-time practice"? However many or few are the hours available for dealing specifically with patients, the healings stem from a constant awareness of God's presence and love and of man's unity with God. The power to heal is the spontaneous expression of what one has learned and accepted of God as man's Life, his Love, and his Mind. The love that prompts the healing work is never part-time. It is the evidence of God in action.

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