It has been helpful to me to approach the study of the Lesson-Sermon each week as a musician does when learning a new piece of music. Generally he plays the piece right through to get some idea of its content. Then he starts again from the beginning, and when he comes to a difficult passage, he stops and goes over it carefully until he can play it smoothly and inspirationally.
When starting our Lesson-Sermon each week, I usually follow this method. By reading right through the six sections I always find some pattern unfolding. Then going back to the beginning, I search for the meaning of some of the more profound statements with the use of the dictionary, Bible reference books, and Concordances to Mrs. Eddy's writings. This continues until new, clearer views on the subject unfold. Then this spiritual inspiration becomes the substance of my daily activity.
I like to think of our systematic study by its historically original name, "Bible Lesson."