After the passing of a dear friend I brooded over it very often. After some time I had pains in my entire mouth and in my teeth. During a visit with a friend with whom I had spoken far too much about my close friend's death, the pain appeared with such severity that in the evening I telephoned a neighboring Christian Science practitioner for treatment. While I was talking to her, all pain left me and I went to bed.
Shortly thereafter the pain recurred so severely that I was in complete despair. I took the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and started reading on page 318, where Mrs. Eddy writes concerning the material senses: "They would put soul into soil, life into limbo, and doom all things to decay. We must silence this lie of material sense with the truth of spiritual sense. We must cause the error to cease that brought the belief of sin and death and would efface the pure sense of omnipotence." I read the paragraph again and again.
Then I became calm. The pain stopped raging, and I slept the entire night. The next day I went to the home of the practitioner to thank her. When I had told her all my troubles, she said to me, "But identify yourself with the Christ!" I have never forgotten these words.