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Testimonies of Healing

[Original in French]

I learned about Christian Science, this...

From the September 1975 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I learned about Christian Science, this "pearl of great price" (Matt. 13:46), in Morocco. I had gone there, deceived by some people I had wanted to help succeed professionally in a very large company. As a consequence I lost a substantial position in France. My family and I were left without means of support. The emotional shock that followed resulted in a serious chronic disease, judged incurable by the medical specialists I consulted.

The first evidence in our home of the healing power of Truth took place shortly after a friend, to whom I had confided my confusion, advised me to study the Lesson-Sermons in the Christian Science Quarterly. At that time, almost twenty years ago, the birth of our youngest daughter was proving so difficult that an operation seemed necessary. I was present in the room, and affirmed the all-power of God, good. As I silently pondered the raising of Lazarus, and the injunction of Christ Jesus, spoken for the sake of the people who were surrounding Lazarus with their negative thoughts (John 11:44): "Loose him, and let him go," the midwife (who was aware of our prayerful approach and turning to God) interrupted my thoughts. I heard her saying joyfully, "I don't know what you've done, sir, but it's just marvelous; the child has turned around, the birth is coming along nicely, and look! Though the baby could have been strangled, the mother and child are doing fine; no need for a doctor anymore."

However, I still suffered the same physical disorders after our return to France, and my state of health seemed to be getting worse. I ended up neglecting regular study of the Lesson-Sermons, being too busy setting up a new career for myself.

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