Spiritual, scientific truth can reveal a new and powerful dimension in the art and science of governing. In a perilous period of political turning and overturning we need to become increasingly aware of this fact. The need could hardly be greater. The means of meeting this need is available for use without limit in Mrs. Eddy's immortal volume, fulfilling the prophecy of the "little book"1 of Revelation.
The tendency of many people today is to feel that they are prisoners of events they cannot control, of governments they can little influence, of consequences they seem unable to avert. The verdict of Science and Health is exactly the opposite. This book puts into our hands for our use now the means to achieve whatever is required. It beckons us with radiant promise.
What promise? What assurance? What can God possibly do to correct the present disheveled state of the world and enable us to control for good its conflicting forces?