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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science is much broader than...

From the September 1975 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science is much broader than the correcting of physical ills and disease by prayer. Christian Science is a way of life! My parents found this broader concept many years ago.

My mother was told she was dying. Her illness had been diagnosed as Bright's disease, which she believed to be hereditary. She was also going blind. And my brother, then six, was prone to ill health. Both of them were living on a farm under nursing care, hoping the country atmosphere would benefit them. Dad was supporting them both, filling two positions in the city to keep up with the medical expenses.

With only six months to live, as the physician had told her, Mother asked to be taken home. My father then brought her and my brother back to the city. Meanwhile a neighbor had been healed through Christian Science and told my folks about it and about the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. Mother began reading the book and, her hope being kindled, asked for treatment from a Christian Science practitioner. Within three weeks she was healed of the disease, and her sight was normal. The sickly brother became robust. I was born the following year, and another brother came along a few years later.

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