Most of us have encountered the human problem of losing something we possessed. We not only lose objects we value, but we are also faced with the sense of losing companionship, our health, employment, or financial security. We can prove here and now—in every phase of our lives—that nothing real can ever be lost or diminished.
Christian Science gives us a spiritual understanding of God as all-embracing, all-comprehending, invariable divine Mind, the creator of all that is real. This Mind is the only creative force, that supreme intelligence which comprehends every least detail of its vast creation. For God to comprehend anything is for Him to include or embrace it in creation forever. Mind, God, never lets go its creation or any element of it. Mrs. Eddy states, "The divine Principle, or Spirit, comprehends and expresses all, and all must therefore be as perfect as the divine Principle is perfect." She then makes this startling statement: "Nothing is new to Spirit. Nothing can be novel to eternal Mind, the author of all things, who from all eternity knoweth His own ideas."Science and Health, pp. 518-519; All the essential elements are included in God's creation now and can never be retracted or diminished.
Christian Science helps us develop our true senses, our spiritual senses. Spiritual sense makes us more aware of the real essence and mental nature of every object in God's creation. We can then become more aware of the true value and place of everything in this creation.