The blessing of Christian Science came into the lives of my family in 1905. My mother had been pronounced incurable, with a complication of stomach disorders, by several medical specialists. A woman, a stranger, saw my mother, who was weak and emaciated, weighing ninety-two pounds, and kindly told her she could be healed in Christian Science. She gave her the name and telephone number of a Christian Science practitioner in that city. My mother called the practitioner and asked her for help and was healed in one treatment.
Later, my sister was born with a badly deformed arm, twisted back and up in such a position that the attending doctor told my parents nothing could be done. My stepfather, a practicing ophthalmologist, sorrowfully accepted this verdict, but my mother did not. She called the same Christian Science practitioner who had helped her earlier and asked for prayerful treatment, and the baby was healed in less than a week. The little arm had straightened to its normal shape and position. I heard my mother tell of these healings at Wednesday evening testimony meetings in several Churches of Christ, Scientist, through the years.
Space would not allow the telling of all the healings that blessed our family through the application and demonstration of Christian Science. My mother had ever an overflowing gratitude and love for Mary Baker Eddy, the author of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, and great faith in God's presence and power to heal. As a teen-ager I witnessed at least three incidents in which my mother's presentation of Christian Science, and her explanation of its divine Principle as she understood it, were the means of beautiful healings.