In divine Science understanding is a quality of Soul. It is infinite, perfect, complete. In human experience our understanding grows as we see this divine reality.
Understanding is not a faculty of the human brain. Perception and the consciousness of the truth are purely spiritual, originating in divine Mind. Matter does not give us the ability to discern between the real and unreal. Through the prevention and cure of inharmonious conditions we prove that our true being is spiritual and that our understanding is unlimited, ever present, and demonstrable. In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy declares: "Entirely separate from the belief and dream of material living, is the Life divine, revealing spiritual understanding and the consciousness of man's dominion over the whole earth. This understanding casts out error and heals the sick, and with it you can speak 'as one having authority.' "Science and Health, p. 14;
Rebuking the materialism of his disciples, Christ Jesus declared: "Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? . . . How is it that ye do not understand?" Shortly thereafter, when Jesus healed a blind man, he "made him look up" Mark 8:18, 21, 25;—he lifted the man's thought above the deceptive mortal testimony of inadequate perception to the true, immortal evidence of perfect, spiritual seeing. The Master never doubted man's perfect being in God.