In a 1955 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel I told in a testimony how I was protected on the Korean front, and my gratitude for all the bountiful beauty Christian Science had brought into my life. In the intervening years I have had many more proofs of the healing and protecting efficacy of Christian Science. With the few exceptions of the instances listed here, my life has been free from illness. I am profoundly grateful for a God who gives us such freedom and joy.
Upon being elected to the office of First Reader in my branch church, I realized my need for Christian Science class instruction. Every obstacle gave place, and I had class within a few months. At that same time I realized the use of eyeglasses was not in harmony with my understanding that God is the all-seeing and I am His child. I have not used nor needed glasses since.
I am almost amused today as I think back to my resignation as First Reader at the end of my second year in office. I was working on a Ph.D. at the time, and I seemed pressured by deadlines. I had yet to complete a course in statistics, a very strange area of study for me; a foreign language to master; a dissertation to complete; and I was engaged in a full high school teaching schedule, including play rehearsals three nights a week. Submitting to these false pressures, I did resign, and during the following year I got nowhere, even flunking both the class in statistics and the language examination. As church elections approached the next year, I was finally able to "let go" and did let my name stand when it was placed on the ballot as president of the executive board. I was elected in January, and as I put my church first I was able to complete all the requirements for my degree program. I constantly found that prayer and study of the Science of being made my other studies go so much faster and made them so much more comprehensible.