In all history no other individual has equaled Christ Jesus' impact on human consciousness. In three brief years of public ministry he literally changed the course of the world—more so, in fact, than even most Christians realize. But in view of what Christians do recognize and appreciate of Jesus' work, it is little wonder that throughout the year they give so much thought to the significance of his life. And it is not surprising that Christians set aside time to celebrate his unique birth—to deepen their love and appreciation of what the Saviour accomplished.
They remind themselves of how profoundly blessed our world is by the example Christ Jesus so faithfully set. Everything surrounding the birth of Jesus is immensely innocent, pure, genuine. These qualities virtually define his whole life. Christmas serves well as a time to remind ourselves that the birth and life of Christ Jesus, including his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, gave proof of man's eternal nature—his immortality, his expression of God's perfection.
Christ is the very essence of sonship with God—the true and permanent idea of God. Jesus gave such rich and full proof of this fact. He showed us how we experience the Christ as divine Love's message surfacing in consciousness, revealing man's perfection, destroying the beliefs of evil. But Jesus' life, so distinctively illustrating man's perfectibility, is, after two thousand years, still far from understood. And more: the message he brought to mankind is sometimes vigorously resisted. What is this resistance?