After I had a wonderful healing at a Christian Science lecture, I became very interested in studying this Science. I read biographies of Mrs. Eddy and all her writings, including the Manual of The Mother Church. Attendance at church services held great meaning for me.
Although I felt it was important to support the church in every way, extreme timidity prevented my applying for branch church membership. One day I pondered this passage Miscellaneous Writings by Mrs. Eddy, (pp. 144-145): "The Church, more than any other institution, at present is the cement of society, and it should be the bulwark of civil and religious liberty." I realized that except for the church organization, I would not have heard the Christian Science lecture that brought my healing. And there would be no Church of Christ, Scientist, to attend. I then applied for membership and was accepted. I also became a member of The Mother Church.
Soon I was appointed clerk in the branch church. This was the beginning of great growth in spiritual understanding. Later I served in several other positions, including a term as Second Reader, and had Christian Science class instruction. There were many quick healings of physical disorders and relationship difficulties. Also, the timidity that had been a hindrance left me.