Why is it that the congregation of most Christian churches is greatly increased at Easter—that many who may not look inside a church the rest of the year are impelled to come? Surely more than tradition and ceremony are involved. May it not be that mankind is in awe of the love that led Jesus to lay down his life for his friends . . . and enemies? And of the force that resurrected his life?
This vital force of Spirit, ever surging, may have been materially interpreted by Easter parades, pagan spring rites, and pantheistic beliefs. But it really has never been involved with fashion and matter. Rather, it provides the spiritual understanding that eliminates human pride and material beliefs. This is the resurrecting power of Easter. Though its celebration crescendoes, by Christian tradition, after the vernal equinox, we can experience its power daily through love and gratitude and more spiritual thinking.
Our Leader's By-Law in the Manual of The Mother Church requires members in her country to have no special Easter observances, festivities, or gifts. Mrs. Eddy goes on to say: "Gratitude and love should abide in every heart each day of all the years. Those sacred words of our beloved Master, 'Let the dead bury their dead,' and 'Follow thou me,' appeal to daily Christian endeavors for the living whereby to exemplify our risen Lord."Man., Art. XVII, Sect. 2