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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science has taught me and...

From the June 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science has taught me and my family to expect nothing but good from an ever-present and loving God. It has been fifteen years since I submitted my last testimony, but never a day goes by that I do not reflect with gratitude on the many blessings that this Science of spiritual healing has brought us.

The calm assurance given in the Bible (Ps. 46:1),"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble," has often fortified me in my career. Many goals have been realized, including completion of a master's degree and a doctoral degree while continuing to teach full time, care for my family, and fulfill church and civic responsibilities. Each time I was tempted to feel frustrated because of weariness, lack of ideas, or anxiety, I received fresh inspiration by studying the Bible Lesson in the Christian Science Quarterly or reading articles and testimonies in the Christian Science periodicals.

As a school administrator, I have listened for many years to parents expressing fears and concerns about their children. The hopelessness, frustration, and anxiety appear to take away all the joy and sharing of this special relationship. How grateful I am that rearing our two boys to manhood has been filled with fun, love, and satisfaction! The Bible teaching that grounded me in Truth as a child attending the Christian Science Sunday School, plus the insights the boys received from their Sunday School instruction, provided us with the strength and guidance to meet every circumstance.

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