It has a nice ring to it, that phrase "The Monitor is a missionary." But the implications go deeper than harmonious sounds right to the core of Christian thought and life. A Monitor advertising representative illustrated this:
"One of our regularly scheduled monthly advertisers has a small shop with unusual gifts, cards, and imports, which range from the kooky to the exquisite. I began to receive reports that some of the new gifts and cards were objectionable, so I investigated and found a definite trend toward the seamy and sensual. Much that was tasteful and artistic was still displayed, but items bordering on pornography were simply not appropriate for Monitor advertising standards. I pointed this out to the owner as kindly as I could.
"The next morning she phoned to say that actually she was not entirely comfortable with the new trend either. Our chat had been the impetus she needed to rid the store of the seamy items. At least of most of them. There were two items which she felt were 'not so bad. After all, that's life, isn't it?'