It is a commendable and wonderful thing to be a good human being, but it is not always enough to ensure our health and happiness. Sometimes, good human beings are so mesmerized with discordant world belief that they are drawn along with it and suffer as a consequence. Christian Science meets a need here. It shows us how to keep our thoughts in accord with God, the harmonious Principle of all that is divinely true. Then we find a stable sense of well-being and are better fitted to help others.
My own experience in Christian Science bears this out. Whenever my consciousness has been in harmony with God, instead of with the mesmerism of world belief, life has improved. Ailments have been healed, broken bones mended, and financial needs met. New joy has been found in working for God, in friendship, in nature, and all the good things that can make life beautiful.
The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, speaking of God as our Shepherd, makes this statement: "He guards, guides, feeds, and folds the sheep of His pasture; and their ears are attuned to His call. In the words of the loving disciple, 'My sheep hear my voice,... and they follow me; . . . neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.'" 1