A correct sense of cooperation is helpful in Christian healing. We cooperate with the divine power that heals by accepting right ideas—spiritual thoughts from God that reveal the allness of Spirit and the nothingness of matter. Mrs. Eddy once wrote to a Church of Christ, Scientist, "Of this we may be sure: that thoughts winged with peace and love breathe a silent benediction over all the earth, cooperate with the divine power, and brood unconsciously o'er the work of His hand." 1
Knowing that all good—God and His creation—constitutes reality and that evil is totally unreal, we cooperate with Christ, the true idea of God. As the reflection of divine Truth and Love, Christ presents our true, spiritual identity as man. Christ is the saving and healing power within us that enables us to see ourselves and everyone as God's perfect image.
Our cooperation with Christly power involves also a disbelief in evil—an un-cooperativeness with material belief. Agreeing with immortal Mind, we see life as spiritual and perfect. Disagreeing with mortal mind, we deny that life is material and imperfect. Should we believe in the reality of material discord, we have given our support to a mistake, a misconception of being. We gain freedom from inharmony by opposing this false sense. Denying the reality of lack, pain, loneliness, sickness, is a first step in eliminating them from our lives.