When I was a youngster I was healed of a broken ankle through Christian Science within minutes—so diagnosed by a park service nurse. My dad submitted a testimony describing this healing to our periodicals at that time. I am long overdue in submitting one in gratitude for many blessings since then.
I am grateful for the spiritual foundation I received at home and through attendance in a Christian Science Sunday School. My wife and I practiced Science in our marriage, in raising our children, in making job decisions—in virtually every aspect of our lives. I would like to share several experiences that have been outstanding to me.
Shortly after the birth of our fourth child my wife suddenly experienced a nervous breakdown. (My mother, who was a registered nurse before she became a Christian Scientist, was present and recognized the problem.) The symptoms seemed very severe, and I was told by others that recovery might take a long time. However, with the help of a Christian Science practitioner, the healing was accomplished in one week. During this time, the chapter titled "A Colloquy" in Unity of Good by Mrs. Eddy was especially helpful (see pp. 21-26). In it, "Good" demolishes the distortions of "Evil" point by point. This was what was needed in our case, where erroneous suggestions presented themselves as a distortion or reversal of reality. Throughout that week I was needed practically twenty-four hours a day, so I never got more than thirty minutes of sleep a day. However, by relying on God alone for my strength, I was never tired. Also, at the end of the experience I felt no need to "catch up" on lost sleep but simply resumed my normal sleeping habits. The permanence of my wife's healing was demonstrated by the several years of excellent public school teaching (often under difficult conditions) that she began just a few months later.