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Testimonies of Healing

One day a teen-ager in my Sunday School...

From the August 1983 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One day a teen-ager in my Sunday School class was troubled about a conversation she had had with a friend on the subject of Christian Science. She explained to me and the class that her friend was skeptical and had asked, "What would you do if you were really sick, and you weren't being healed?"

The Sunday School student had never considered the possibility. She and her family had always depended on Christian Science for healing, and it had never failed them. But her friend's disbelief nagged at her, and she wondered, "What if something came up that I couldn't handle? What if the problem were just too big, and my understanding too small?"

The class readily agreed that this was a question that needed to be dealt with. But I didn't have a quick answer. Wanting to share a thoughtful and honest response, I told the students I would need to pray about it. They agreed to pray, too, and we planned to discuss it the following Sunday.

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