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Testimonies of Healing

There are countless reasons to express...

From the August 1983 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There are countless reasons to express gratitude for my introduction to Christian Science many years ago. A loved sister returned home after graduating from college and told her younger brothers and sisters (one of whom was me): "I have found a religion that teaches God is Father and Mother, and we need both. We are going to that church."

Since then my progress in learning of man's (my) indestructible relationship to God, as Christian Science teaches it, has been steady though not always speedy. This developing understanding often led to harmonious resolutions of physical problems; and repeatedly, provision has come when there was no evident way it could. Then, too, I've gained a sense of balance with which to view the passing scene.

Over twenty years ago a back problem with a long history of periodic recurrence disappeared instantly as I read a testimony in an issue of the Christian Science Sentinel. It was about a woman who had overcome obesity through applying her understanding of the definition of "Church," given in the Glossary of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy (p. 583). My problem was unrelated physically, but as I read the definition again I suddenly had one of those cherished moments of clear consciousness that often accompanies healing. I thought, "Of course. My body, as well as Church, is, in reality, 'the structure of Truth and Love.'" [The definition in Science and Health begins: "Church. The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle."] The pain disappeared faster than I could complete the thought. And it never recurred.

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