A specific need in church activity is intelligent prayer that affirms God's protection and care. The following article, submitted by a member of The Mother Church in Florida, develops this thought.
Paul stood fearlessly for his right to share the good news of his Master, Christ Jesus, and to heal in his name. At one time the hatred and envy of the carnal mind caused Paul to be stoned and left for dead. What did his friends do? Did they continue their daily routine, wondering anxiously or idly why this good friend with such a fine understanding of God should have so much to meet? Instead, they took spiritual action. The book of Acts relates, "As the disciples stood round about him, he rose up, and came into the city." Acts 14:20. And the next day Paul continued with God's work.
Despite the attack, Paul was then able to work out his freedom and go on to fulfill his Father's mission. Undoubtedly the disciples, remembering their Master's resurrection, prayed supportively with steady, persistent conviction of the power of the Christ to restore to their fellow worker his rightful spiritual freedom.