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Christianly scientific economics

From the September 1983 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Christianly scientific economics taught—and practiced—by Christ Jesus is of a completely different order from human economic systems. When understood spiritually, the laws of God that Jesus demonstrated will be found to be the only basis for genuine and lasting solutions to the economic problems that plague mankind. The economics of Christ is superior to human systems because it derives directly from the spiritual realization of the allness and ever-present abundance of God, infinite good, as taught in Christian Science.

This Science, starting from the standpoint of the inexhaustible abundance of spiritual reality, rejects the fallacious concept of limited good, supposedly found in matter. This concept, which is embodied in the widely accepted doctrine of economic scarcity, is a fatal flaw that undermines the efficacy of all human economic theories. Systems which begin with the assumption that matter is the basis of supply can never truly remedy the inequities that stem from that false underlying assumption.

Christian Science helps mortals to escape from the treadmill of economic cycles and uncertainty by turning thought from this limited sense of good to the divine abundance of which the Christ, Truth, tells us. In the textbook, Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy describes the everactive Christ thus: "Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human consciousness." 1

1 Science and Health, p. 332.

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