Would you like to write an article for the periodicals? Remember that healing you had some time ago—or maybe it was that flash of spiritual insight you got while you were going home from church? Wouldn't it be nice to share these or other experiences with fellow Christian Scientists around the world or with people just becoming interested? Although both nonmembers and members of The Mother Church may submit testimonies for possible publication, eligibility to write articles for the periodicals is unique to members.
If you love Christian Science, have seen and proved something you would like to share, and you are a member of The Mother Church, we would love to hear from you. Even if your article isn't selected for publication, you can be sure the effort is sincerely valued. Your willingness to work, to support the Cause, and to share with the world means a great deal—to the editorial staff and to our readers.
Under this heading in other issues of the Journal, we'll be offering some practical hints on how to prepare your article and make it more effective. You might like to clip and save this series of hints.