"Christian Science heals!" This thought-provoking statement, voiced by a man in an office in the City of London just prior to the Second World War, attracted the attention of a young woman who worked there. She went to a nearby Christian Science Reading Room and borrowed a copy of the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy.
The young woman embraced Christian Science, as did her two sisters; and soon afterward, so did two husbands, of whom I am one. The five of us joined The Mother Church and also the local branch church after praying about it individually. We also felt led to take class instruction at the same time from a most loving and dedicated Christian Science teacher. She said it was the first time she had had five persons from one family in the same class! During the intervening years my wife and I were members together of several branch churches at different times and were active church workers.
Some four years ago my wife passed on. The utterly firm conviction that she would always continue to demonstrate freedom and joy sustained me greatly, and I was clearly aware that we were both being guarded and guided by our dear loving Father-Mother God. I have been able to make the necessary adjustments in my life, and although I did not and do not mourn, the sense of loss of companionship of so many years led me to try harder to prove the teaching of Christian Science that man is complete as God's expression. I was immensely helped through this difficult time by the love expressed to me by my sisters-in-law, and by the kindness and friendship so freely given to me by fellow church members and by colleagues at my business office.