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Writing for the periodicals

From the December 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Just a few tips on technical details: if it's feasible, type your manuscript, using a black ribbon on white nonerasable paper. (Erasable paper is very difficult to edit on, and manuscripts written on it usually have to be retyped.)

Please triple-space between the lines, keeping one-inch margins at the top and bottom, and two-inch margins on both sides. And please send the original, not a carbon or photocopy. In the case of poetry, please put each poem on a separate sheet. Do be sure to keep a copy of your article or poem for your own records.

While no one's manuscript will be refused if he or she can't meet these guidelines—and we do understand that overseas postage costs may lead to narrower margins and lighter paper— if you can follow them, you will help to lighten the work of a diligent but very busy staff.

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