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Christmas presence

From the December 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What sort of presents
were you hoping to get?
Nice ones, of course
(everyone likes gifting)
What sort of presents
were you planning to give?
Good ones, naturally
and not just seasonally

But maybe, just maybe
it's time to receive a gift
of an entirely different sort—
presents giving place to presence?

Loving presence
Infinite presence
Faithful presence

Something you can feel and hold on to
but nothing under wraps
no paper or ribbon to conceal it
something of value inestimable
bestowed by the great Giver:
the Christ expressed

And once we've received it
this God gift of love
is it something we dare to share?
The cost is dear,
priceless in fact
It may mean less wrapping and shopping and rushing
It may mean more manger-quiet appreciation
of our God, ourselves, our brother and sister

It may mean that giving is also forgiving
It may mean that caring is also forbearing

Don't miss out:
this year give more
than you ever gave before.
The world really needs
your Christmas presence.

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