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Shielding the world in our hearts

From the December 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Today the world cries out for love. Headlines and newscasts seem almost to beg for the comfort of something beyond materiality. All of us in our heart of hearts yearn to be of some solace, to render some help.

But how? This is the question that concerns so many. What can I do? Mere human efforts seem minute in the face of the vastness of some of these challenges.

The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, speaks affectionately and warmly of the ministers in the Christian churches she attended as a child. In a message to her own Church, founded many years later, she tells how these vital Christians helped her. She speaks of their courage, their charity, and their humanity. She says, "God seemed to shield the whole world in their hearts ...."1

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