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Testimonies of Healing

My religious upbringing taught me to...

From the December 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My religious upbringing taught me to love God. Yet, my first knowledge that God cured sickness as well as sin was through my fiancé, a Christian Scientist. The idea that prayer, not medication, healed physical ills seemed strange to me.

I attended a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, several times with my fiancé. The services left me feeling satisfied, so I continued attending this church. I could not define the reason for this satisfaction then, but I know now it was the still, small voice of Truth attracting me.

Early in our marriage I injured my leg. My husband suggested I read for a while from the Christian Science textbook,  Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I did it to please him. Within half an hour the leg was fine! This was surprising to me.

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