World peace starts with all of us in our own homes. It is the combined product of individual peace. We each contribute directly to the realization of universal peace as we cherish, understand, and live in harmony with God's love for all.
The Bible promises, "When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." 1 To "please the Lord" requires that we be just in our dealings with others and patiently love our way through every difficulty. We do this through an understanding of God as Truth and Love. Since God is Truth, we can claim the actual reality here and now of justice, freedom, and individual integrity. These are basic to every individual's existence as the living evidence of his inescapable sonship with his heavenly Father-Mother God. An understanding of God as Truth and of man as Truth's reflection gives moral authority and right direction to our effort to demonstrate this relationship. An understanding of God as divine Love brings the essential elements of patience and forbearance to the task of disciplining thought. Such healing discipline results in success and happiness for us and blesses those around us.
Where do we start in our individual effort toward peace? With our own thinking. We can immediately take charge of our life. We can watch and correct every thought, making certain it is in accord with what God knows, with that which is true and loving. Thus we can begin at once to align our thought and life with the supreme authority of infinite good. Also, we can faithfully acknowledge that the true consciousness of everyone else comes from this same source—God. We can recognize and acknowledge Truth and Love as the only cause and man as the peaceful effect of that divine cause.