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Claim your exemption from evil

From the December 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was a new student of Christian Science, I was informed that in the state where we lived I had the legal right to claim for my children certain medical exemptions and freedom from taking courses of study contrary to my religious tenets and practices.

Parents, though, must file a form requesting these exemptions. I thought long and hard about whether I could honestly claim them. I had accepted God's healing power for myself but was a little uncertain as to whether or not inoculations were needed to protect the children. I definitely wanted what was best for them.

I saw, however, that the issue was not so much exempting the children from the medically oriented procedures and courses as gaining a better understanding of their real, spiritual identity, exempt from all suffering. I had already glimpsed, through my study of Christian Science, the absolute allness of God and His goodness, and man's consequent total exemption from distress and, indeed, from evil of every kind. Yet I didn't feel led to claim at once the exemptions allowed by law for my children. Instead I continued my daily study and practice of the truth to gain that "better understanding" before taking this important step.

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