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Progress through purification of motives and affections

[Original in German]

From the December 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a boy, I was extremely impressed when I received a compass as a present. Later, the leader of a youth group showed me how to use the compass to regain my orientation if I became confused on a hike. This fascinating experience of being able to find a new orientation or regain the old one and to proceed joyously toward the goal has a wider application: it hints at a divine influence that can guide one on his path through life.

People in different walks of life— students, homemakers, parents, or executives—all occasionally feel these questions coming from within: "Is there a meaning to what I am doing? Do I know what my goal is? Am I on the right path?"

When we consult what Christian Science has to say on these questions, we learn that man, as the image and likeness of divine Spirit, never has a meaningless existence, but is a useful individual expression of divine Soul. Man reflects love, goodness, beauty, satisfaction, health, activity, and completeness in his manifestation of Life, God. Divine care and guidance are his always.

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