Recently our branch Church of Christ, Scientist, had a wonderful election meeting. Following the meeting there was such a sense of gratitude and joy. It was as though not just several officers but all of us had been elected to serve. It caused me to consider more deeply than ever: What is the purpose of a branch church election, and how can we pray to fulfill its purpose better?
Every branch of The Mother Church holds elections for Readers and other officers. And behind every election is the guidance Mrs. Eddy gives us in the Manual of The Mother Church: "In Christian Science each branch church shall be distinctly democratic in its government, and no individual, and no other church shall interfere with its affairs."Man., Art. XXIII, Sect. 10.
Being elected to an office is not the membership saying, "We like you; you're special." This notion of personal popularity is mortal, based on the ever-changing kaleidoscope of mortal opinions. Elections need to be lifted from the limited view that just a few are chosen, to the divine view that each one is God's man.