Just as the birth of Jesus presented the Christ in a way that humanity could see and identify with, so the physical structure of the church we attend can provide a place for us to learn how divine Love can guide our experience. When our lives actively express this Love, they stand as a beacon in the community for those who seek Christ, Truth.
In the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy gives a definition of Church in two parts. The first states: "Church. The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle." 1
Realizing that God is Spirit and Love, as the Scriptures describe Him, and that He is also Truth and Mind, we conclude that the structure of His creating must be spiritual, not material. Church, then, is a spiritual idea originating in divine Mind. Formed by unerring Truth and unfailing Love, it is supported by God, Principle, whose unalterable laws sustain and maintain it. We live this sense of Church right where we are by giving reverence to God and obeying His commandments, paying homage to Christ Jesus by following his example.