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On fire

From the December 1988 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Should it be surprising to think of the Christian Science movement as still new? As someone once said, "A movement moves." Articles on the subject of Church and movement will appear regularly in this section.

Have you ever thought back to a hard time—a period of great need and yet a period of such great spiritual growth that you almost had a feeling of nostalgia?

Recently I came across some writing I'd done during such a time years ago. Though I'd seen many quick healings in Christian Science before and even during this period, this particular physical difficulty persisted for some months with sparse respite until healing gently came. But because the circumstances had been so pressing, I'd had to lean on God day in and day out, sometimes moment by moment. As I read some pages I'd written during that period, I was struck by the fact that (though perhaps not literary masterpieces!) they seemed on fire. They were filled with such unshaken spiritual conviction in God's unopposable power—the sort of deep conviction that the human mind can't possibly manufacture no matter how much it might like to be faithful and trust God. It's a conviction that's simply God-given. Even after several years those pages seemed incredibly alive. And though they were dealing realistically with some outwardly bleak circumstances, there was an underlying joy about them.

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