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Wider horizons for the artist

From the December 1988 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On the Cambridge shore of the serpentine Charles River stand the stately buildings of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Boldly engraved, high up on the sides of the buildings, are the names of some of those who made lasting contributions to mankind's progress: Newton, Aristotle, Wren, Gutenberg, and others. At first glance we may find it discouraging to measure our own accomplishments by theirs; but we can be reassured by the knowledge that we reflect the same infinite divine Mind as those great thinkers. The ability of those individuals to free their fellowmen from ignorance and limitation points to the possibilities inherent in our own reflection of creative Mind.

A Christian Scientist who is engaged in any of the arts will benefit immensely from deepening his or her understanding of the deific synonym Mind. Divine Mind, the First Cause, is the supreme originator, actor, author, architect. As a result, the most important thing a Christian Scientist can do for himself each day is to have quiet time for really listening to Mind and for affirming his true identity as the complete, spiritual offspring of infinite Mind. This is a way of dwelling "in the secret place of the most High" and abiding "under the shadow of the Almighty." 1

(Let's acknowledge, at the start, that every one of us, to some extent, is an artist. A lovingly prepared meal can be a work of art; likewise a patchwork quilt, a handmade cabinet, a carefully tended garden. Artistic expression is a natural outcome of our reflection of infinite Mind. It doesn't matter if we're fresh out of school or if we're feeling it's too late to try something new. We can begin wherever we are. And all of us can play an indispensable role as appreciators of art.)

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