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Should it be surprising to think of the Christian Science movement as still new? As someone once said, "A movement moves." Articles on the subject of Church and movement will appear regularly in this section.

Class instruction—a "leading out" from material beliefs to spiritual understanding

From the April 1988 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Among the twenty-four vital questions posed in the chapter "Recapitulation" in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, is one calling for special attention from the developing student of this Science: "Will you explain sickness and show how it is to be healed?"

In view of the fact that a previous chapter, entitled "Christian Science Practice," has already devoted some eighty pages to this subject, one sentence in Mrs. Eddy's reply is remarkable: "A full answer to the above question involves teaching, which enables the healer to demonstrate and prove for himself the Principle and rule of Christian Science or metaphysical healing."1

It were well, then, for the beginner, as well as for any longtime student of this Science, to give thought to the nature and content of this "teaching" that Science and Health refers to. As a matter of interest, there are several hundred references to various aspects of this subject in Mrs. Eddy's published writings, as well as an entire chapter entitled "Teaching Christian Science" in the textbook and two full articles in the Manual of The Mother Church. A perusal of these various statements shows clearly the importance given to Christian Science teaching. Therefore, our Leader's pointing to the need for teaching to provide "a full answer" to the question of sickness and how it is to be healed is not to be taken lightly by the student.

1 Science and Health, p. 493.

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