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Testimonies of Healing

I was raised in Christian Science

From the September 1988 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was raised in Christian Science. As a child I attended a Christian Science Sunday School regularly and was receptive to the spiritual truths taught there. Healings came very quickly.

After high school I left home and attended a nearby university. Toward the end of my freshman year I began occasional social drinking and going to inappropriate parties. At the time, however, I was still attending the Sunday School. At one point I developed a very sore throat. At first I didn't pray for myself. Since I wasn't living a completely moral life, I felt I had no right to utilize the truths of Science or to turn to God for help. On the other hand, Christian Science teaches us that God is good and that the man of His creating is good, never lapsing into sin or suffering. As I recalled what I'd been taught, I saw a need to turn trustingly to the divine Mind, to see myself as God's own child, His spiritual image.

By that time the condition had worsened and eating was difficult. I was visiting at my dad's house, and he is not a Christian Scientist. Recognizing my difficulty, he offered to take me to a doctor for treatment. I had never had medical care before. I had always turned in prayer to God's unceasing love for help. That is what I wanted now, so I declined and said that I would handle the problem my way. He understood.

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