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Know the reason why

From the September 1988 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There was no way to have anticipated the effect this session in the Christian Science Sunday School was to have on my life, even though I could sense something unusually meaningful in the students as they waited eagerly for the opening exercises.

When class began, they told me there had been a tragic automobile accident in their area the night before, and they wanted to know how to pray about such things. They felt that obtaining a better understanding of what Christian Science teaches about accidents would help them to aid and comfort others as well as to protect themselves from harm. What a wonderfully Christian desire in these young Christian Scientists!

I knew that the Christ, the spirit of Love, would answer our questions. Spiritually prepared thought—thought that was trustingly turning to God—would receive the answers. Time and again before this, we had been able to see and prove the unreality of disease and other problems by praying from the standpoint of God's allness—the allness of good, and therefore the nothingness of evil. The same inspired basis of thought with regard to accidents would divinely lead us to hear God's loving, angel thoughts. These come to us when we have turned from the clamorous material evidence to what we know instead to be spiritually true. And such spiritual turning would certainly give us the care and direction we needed under any circumstances.

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